ABC Virtual Catalog 1.0 ---------------------------- (c) 1999 DOM Software Ltd. 1. Overview 2. Working with ABC Virtual Catalog 3. Evaluation version limitations 4. A future of ABC Virtual Catalog 5. Contact information 1. Overview ----------- ABC Virtual Catalog is a virtual file manager, which can organize a lot of your files, located in many different folders on many disks or devices. You can make a long description for each file. You can also add an URL links to ABC Virtual Catalog. At least, you can associate any file in catalog with any program for opening. This utility may help you in managing a big complicated projects, which files are located in different places. A file descriptions is suitable for storing a nessesary file info. 2. Working with ABC Virtual Catalog ----------------------------------- Simply click on an icon named "ABC Virtual Catalog". If you run a program at first time, a default folder "Hot files" will be created. A folders window located at the left. A files window located at the right. A description window located at the bottom of main window. 2.1. Working with folders You can add a new folder, add a new subfolder for any folder and delete folders or subfolders. If you want to add a folder, press an appropriate button of F7 on your keyboard. Enter a new folder name. New folder will be created. You can delete any folder, pressing a "Del" button. All folder operations are accessible from system menu, from toolbar and from keyboard. If you want to see a folder contents, simply click on appropriate folder. 2.2. Working with files You can add a file or a group of files in any folder or subfolder. There are two ways to add a files: selection and drag&drop. Press an "Add file" button, then select a required files. Press "Open" button. All selected files will be added to current folder. You can not add a directories to folder. For this operation, please create a subfolder and add a nessesary files. You can drag and drop any files from any drag&drop compatible file-manager to ABC Virtual Catalog. A files will be added in current folder. After addidion, you can set a file properties, using a "Properties" button. You can change a file path, a program for opening and create or modify a file description. You can execute any file by double-click on it. If "One click execute" is checked - a single click will occur a file execution. 2.3. Working with URL links You can add an URL link to any folder, pressing an "Add URL link" button. URL links is the same as the files. You can set a link properties, using "Properties" button. You can assign any browser to each URL link. You can paste an URL link from clipboard. 2.4. Minimize to tray You can minimize a program to system tray. Double-click on tray icon to restore a program. 3. Evaluation version limitations --------------------------------- - You can not add a subfolders - You can not add more than 5 folders For purchasing a full-featured copy of ABC Virtual Catalog use an order form at 4. Virtual Catalog future ------------------------- This features will be implemented in future: - Adding a full folder with all subfolders - Improving a speed of program - Auto-backup of files, ZIP-archiever support - Importing a Netscape bookmarks and IE Favorites - Preview of some file types - Adding any folder to Start Menu - Adding any folder to Netscape bookmarks or IE Favorites - Encryption for secure files 5. Contact information ---------------------- DOM Software support: E-Mail to author: WWW-page: